My Avatar

I created my avatar using My avatar has orange hair and blue eyes as I do. It is smiling because I am generally in a good mood and having a good time. On my avatar’s shirt is a number, representing that I play sports.

All About Me

Hello! My name is Jonah, and I love sports. My favorite sport is baseball, but I also enjoy playing basketball and football with my friends. I am a die-hard twins fan and watch their games whenever I can. My most favorite activity to do is skiing. I have been skiing since I was 5 and can’t think of anything that is more fun. I want to explore different ski resorts and take on more challenges. In my free time at home I love to watch football and work on shooting the basketball like Kobe Bryant. Another one of my hobbies is watching my favorite T.V. shows such as The Simpsons. I like going on different adventures and would love to visit Yosemite again with my family. I also play the saxophone and really enjoy it.