Week Two- Activity 2

For this activity I had to comment on Mrs. Smiths blog and I commented

One guideline I found that is effective is if you disagree, be polite about it. Instead of being rude to someone, be respectful even if you don’t agree. This is very effective because instead of making them feel bad about themselves, this guideline allows the person make their post better. Bekkam commented that “it is important to leave respectful comments to other people in the blogging world.” Bekkam made a good point to state that you should respect everyone opinion and that we are communication with the rest of the world.

Jonah https://jonahbeder4101.edublogs.org/wp-admin/index.php?page=msreader.php

My Avatar

I created my avatar using buildyourwildself.com. My avatar has orange hair and blue eyes as I do. It is smiling because I am generally in a good mood and having a good time. On my avatar’s shirt is a number, representing that I play sports.

All About Me

Hello! My name is Jonah, and I love sports. My favorite sport is baseball, but I also enjoy playing basketball and football with my friends. I am a die-hard twins fan and watch their games whenever I can. My most favorite activity to do is skiing. I have been skiing since I was 5 and can’t think of anything that is more fun. I want to explore different ski resorts and take on more challenges. In my free time at home I love to watch football and work on shooting the basketball like Kobe Bryant. Another one of my hobbies is watching my favorite T.V. shows such as The Simpsons. I like going on different adventures and would love to visit Yosemite again with my family. I also play the saxophone and really enjoy it. 

Activity 1 Who Am I

I am Jonah B., a student who loves to play sports. I am not much much different offline than I am online. Offline I am very out going and online I sometimes choose to be like I am offline. I try to post pictures of only the events that I thought were really amazing.